Thought Be Gone!

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. —Psalm 139:17–18 (NIV)

Just the other day, I decided that it was time to erase some texts from my phone to make it function better. I started whipping through them—delete, delete, delete. Oops! I had just deleted the texts that I send to myself with ideas for reflections. Because I have no memory, this is a trick that I use, and now I had just deleted them. I found that my “thoughts be gone!” But here’s the good news. God always provides. He never lets a day go by without giving me just what I need to glorify his name. He does this for all of us. Ever present, ever loving, ever ready to supply our needs. Even if we “delete” him from our present situation, often without meaning to do this, he is still with us, working mightily on our behalf to get us through the day. There is just no way—no way at all— to delete Jesus from our lives. Doesn’t this just make our day a little bit brighter than it was before? Jesus is forever thinking of us. We are never out of his thoughts, not even for a second. This provides great comfort to us as we move about our days. We are always on his mind!

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